It just always had to be large and loud

Created by temi 10 years ago
Many stories to choose from, Mayor. You relentlessly loved people around, lots to eat, lots of fun, lots of dance, anything to ensure the house was literally vibrating, One of the most recent incidents is when You, Nike and the girls spent a weekend at ours, I asked you to bring down some movies as it is one of your vast qualities. When it was time to play the movie, you yabbed how old our TV wasn't really but simply because you loved everything loud and large. You went on and on about how the TV wouldn't bring the best quality out of the movies and you made sure we didn't watch them.........we had such a good laugh that night!!! We recently got a TV and I am sure you'll love and was only teasing Nike about 3 weeks ago that it was time for my revenge after all your yabs!!!!! It was so beautiful to see how Tami and Lara, would jump on you, rub your shiny head and yet when it was time for their assignments, the girls knew daddy( or Papa Gibbs as the girls called you) was ready for serious business. In Children's church you were ever ready to help, still remember our first Children's church teachers meeting, for all the planned birthday surprises you always had a say......never on the fence...yep that was Mayor....never on the fence. Your yoruba phrases for almost any circumstance, for a lot, I actually couldn't translate. You surely made Nike's love eyes twinkle with stars, your baby girls laughter said it all, whenever their Dad was there. I could go on and on.........Mayor..but this i know O Death where is thy Victory, O Death where is thy sting.....Death has been swallowed in Victory!!! Sleep well, Mayorstic!!! Tope Ogunniyi